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34 thoughts on “Sci-Fi Short Film “Prospect” presented by DUST

  1. This was brilliantly written and directed + some very good acting was the icing on the cake! Can’t wait to see the full movie.

  2. I’m looking forward to spending a couple hours in this world. Can’t wait for November!

  3. FAWWKKK YESSS! Cant wait to see the full feature film. Props to Zeek E. and Chris C. .

  4. The music in the beginning was louder than the man speaking so I could barely hear or understand what was said in the beginning. Subtitles would help those of us who are hard of hearing too.

  5. I’m in LOVE with Pedro Pascal. Loved him on GOT. I was so pissed they killed him off.

  6. Oberyn martell from GoT as the villain! This short was awsome, looking forward to seing the movie!

  7. As it is so often on this channel I cannot understand what is going on because there’s no subtitles.

  8. Ya, I’m in. What sci-fi is all about.
    Definitely gonna go see this. Hope I don’t havta drive too far.
    Dust is the best crew ever.

  9. Oh boy! Another brilliant short adapted into a full length feature film is what I like to see. There are so many good short films worthy of the same treatment, all showcased right here on Dust. I hope this brings more attention to those other shorts, and the creative people behind them, as to put into fruition the possibility of a full length film for them, just like Prospect has achieved. One thing is for sure, “The future is Dust.”.

  10. Is this going to be wide release? I am not in a major market, but would love to see this film!

  11. this is both intriguing & foreboding… great atmosphere, & creepy, sinister tone in the corner of your ear & eye…

  12. So, they don’t want to be seen by other ‘prospectors”, so they bring a big white tent into the forest. That makes sense.
    For bonus points, the white tent glows at night with a ton of lights.
    Suspending belief in sci-fi is normal. Asking the viewer to suspend common sense is too much.

  13. I feel like it had promise, but then when “the big money” took over it kind of ruined it, and the sci-fi part kind of turned into just a background thing so they can throw in the usual drama…

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