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THE JOKER – Teaser Trailer (2019) Joaquin Phoenix DC Movie Concept HD

THE JOKER – Teaser Trailer (2019) Joaquin Phoenix DC Movie Concept HD

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23 thoughts on “THE JOKER – Teaser Trailer (2019) Joaquin Phoenix DC Movie Concept HD

  1. I just want to get this opinion and question off my chest… Do you seriously think that the jokers mysterious background is the only thing that makes the joker scary?!

    To me it isn’t his mysterious background that makes him scary it’s what the joker is capable of which is that he’s unpredictable, he’s capable of committing brutal crimes, and his terrifying laugh.

    Are you seriously not appreciating the quality of the jokers character? I’m not trying to be rude but if you seriously think the only way you can make the joker a great villain is with his mysterious background then to me it’s just a very bratty and stupid attitude to take, I’m not being rude but I’m just saying.

    And Just know this, This is really something that has been pissing me off about the superhero/comic book fanboys or fanbase recently when it comes to “representation” of the characters from the source material properly.

    While I am a DC And Marvel comic book reader, I always view myself more as a movie fan than I am a comic book fan for many reasons. But I think these people tend to forget that movies or TV Shows are based on comic book properties and are NOT only made for fans of the comic book (like outside of the Grant Morrison stuff and a couple of the Claremont stuff, I am not a fan of the X-Men comics) because the film industry has a far larger target audience and if the audience has to read the comic books to understand the meaning behind certain plot points, imagery or character motivations, then the film fails to actually be an effective film due to its poor storytelling.

    But this would be my answer if people ask me the following question when it comes to the Joker’s mysterious background:

    Some Random Fan: “What would happen if someone took my favorite DC Villain of all time The Joker and doe not make His Background Mysterious and does something uncharacteristic or isn’t straight off the page when it comes to the comic book character?”

    *ahem *

    Me: I ……….. DON’T ……….FUCKING CARE!!!

    To be honest and this is just my opinion And I don’t mean to disrespect you or anyone else in any way, but in my opinion, I Find The Mysterious Background Of The Joker To Be Very Boring about His character.

    And the fact that many DC Fans Are So Uptight About Him Having An Origin Story to me is very ridiculous and just a bratty attitude to just take really…No offense it’s just my opinion.

    To me, I think an origin story of The Joker can be done right as long as its executed correctly.

    In The Killing Joke Origin Story, the reader got some insight into a possible past to The Joker.

    I Loved The Killing Joke Joker Origin Because It Seems More Interesting And A little more Realistic Since It gave his character some humanity and believably, And it makes The Joker look more of an interesting Batman Villain, And you really see how one bad day can break a person.

    The Joker is the polar opposite to Batman in design and personality but both have implied horrific backstories that drive them.

    If we ever get more personal insight into Jokers character/backstory it would make the dynamic between Joker and Batman even more interesting looking at the perspective of what Batman could have become.

    But that’s the main problem That I Have about The Joker, To Be Honest, if you try to make the joker exist without a reason then to me that’s just boring and who really likes receiving the same old shit? I know I don’t…

    I Find The Joker To Be More Interesting when The Joker tries to prove that A Nobody is as good as they say they are. To Me, The Joker Is More Interesting When He was a normal guy that they had one bad day and it just broke him.

    To Me, That’s what makes the Joker so interesting because he was a normal nice guy and then he became such a monster in After One Bad Day.

    The Joker To Me Would Be More Interesting Because Something OR Someone Drove Him to that point. Just like Batman.

    To me, Both Characters Don’t Just Cause Chaos Or Save People For No Reason At All!

    To Me That’s What I Love About The 2 Characters, Trauma took them to that Place.

    Beside’s…Who cares if The Joker’s past isn’t totally blank to us?

    To me, The Joker’s value as a character doesn’t waver over whether or not we know something about him, Just Like Jack Nicholson’s Joker!

    I mean Just watch The Batman 1989 film for example. Even though we know the jokers origin in the film he still was a force of nature and an amazing villain and I really love the plot twist where he was revealed to be the killer of Bruce Wayne’s parents And that was an amazing joker origin story And I really love the name “Jack Napier” But that’s just me.

    If You Like The Joker Better When He Doesn’t Have A Origin That’s Fine, I Respect That, But To Me I Find It To Be Dull About The Joker…Yes, it can be Interesting At First And It’s Fun to imagine what made him go down this path…but at times it can become Less Interesting and A Little ridiculous…And really boring after a while to me.

    Sometimes it can seem that The Joker isn’t actually insane but just kills because he wants to make himself seem like a villain for the sake of being a villain…Which Is Very Boring Honestly…

    It’s Just My Honest Opinion, You Don’t Have To Agree With Me On This If You Like The Joker Better When He Doesn’t Have A Origin That’s Perfectly Fine, I Respect That.

    But To Me, The Joker Is A Insane Maniac, And Whether He Has No Origin Or Has An Origin, It doesn’t take it away, At least to me, that’s the case…

    now I know that everyone thinks that giving the Joker an origin story would ruin his character but I honestly disagree with that.

    To me giving The Joker a greatly written and perfectly executed origin story would add more depth and quality to his character than him just doing the same old shit he’s been doing 75 years now.

    Besides I’m tired of just getting the same old “sometimes I remember one way, sometimes another” bullshit… but that’s just my opinion guys.

    if you think that the Joker’s origin should remain a mystery that’s fine but I don’t find it to be interesting about his character…Maybe a little but not really.

    Besides, I’ll take The killing joke joker origin, the Batman Gotham Knights comic origin, And the Batman 1989 origin Over The Jokers mysterious background anyday…

    But Anyway, To Me A character isn’t locked into one thing and can be plugged into any genre with the only thing holding it back is the skill of the storyteller.

    You Don’t want the Joker to Have An Origin Story? I’m fine with that, we all have different taste when it comes to our Favorite Characters.

    Think there is too much exposition and filler in Man of Steel? Don’t you like the black leather costumes in the Bryan Singer X-Men films? Well looks like someone doesn’t understand the symbolism behind that creative choice, but I certainly wouldn’t be caught dead wearing such an outfit. You think the Nolan Batman films are too grounded?

    Well, your loss for being one of those naïve Batman: The Animated Series fanboys who think that show is the “definitive” version of the character, when what you really mean is “this version is the one I grew up with and therefore it is better”, despite the fact that only one third of that show actually holds up as great pieces of storytelling.

    Hell even non-comic book characters get these sort of comments like the goofy Roger Moore Bond films to the action-packed Star Trek reboot series, hell even Sherlock Holmes has been put into many different genres from a detective story (duh), comedy (stuff like Sherlock Jr. or The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Smarter Brother), buddy comedy with Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes, kid adventure with Young Sherlock Holmes, cartoon cyberpunk with Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century and so on. However those are a slightly different topic that I might talk about in the future (although I have talked in the past on why making 007 black cannot work for that character, but I rather not open that can of worms again).

    But the moment you say “Character X would never do that” or “Existent property Y was never meant to be a comedy/drama/action movie/whatever” I don’t care because that is a bankrupt argument. It is an irrational attack that has no bearing on the actual quality of the film as if the film is consistent with the character motivations and ideas it presents to the audience.

    Besides, I don’t find the jokers mysterious background to be interesting about his character, to me it’s just very boring about him and to me what makes the joker scary is what he’s capable of, And his origin story has been portrayed in many interesting ways

    But that’s just my opinion…

  2. This fan trailer was very good for you. In those movies, Joaquin Phoenix is ​​incredible

  3. Hollywood should be knocking on your door to write the actual movie. Best trailer not trailer ever!

  4. Fuck yes…hopefully its rated R and it might even make us forget that fucking shitty leto tragedy

  5. That was freaking great! But my personal view is that I don’t think any other person could ever do the Joker role the way heath did he was just awesome he made this character immortal ?

  6. So the movie will base on a graphic novel Batman the killing joke. Right? Or kind of

  7. Damn I haven’t even seen the trailer and the dislikes are already over a hundred lol.

  8. Okay so I’ve watched the trailer moments later and for me it’s a pretty good inside description on the character.
    A sneak peek into the mind of the criminally insane. ?

  9. U know Heath Ledger was the 1 that I didnt believe could ever be followed up but now heres another actor extrordinare that is the only possibility 2 that. Hope it happend cuz it’ll no doubt be epic like Heaths Joker w/ Phoenix dark spin.?

  10. Wow.. I’ve never seen any of his movies.. and now that I’ve seen scenes from some of his movies I gotta say.. he might actually be pretty good

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