- Movie Review

Star Wars – Movie Review

Star Wars – Movie Review – Chris Stuckmann reviews Star Wars, starring Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinness, Peter Cushing, David Prowse, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew. Directed by George Lucas.

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33 thoughts on “Star Wars – Movie Review

  1. I love your reviews, but there is no way you think of this movie as “Star Wars” without a new hope added to it. They added the subtitle in 1981, only a year after empire came out.

  2. Obviously one of the best movies of all time. The only thing I don't love about it is the medal scene at the end, I always thought it was a little cheesy, but other than that it's absolutely amazing

  3. Great review man, yup it is that good! And I can tell you as a guy who was 6 in 1977, it was as amazing or even more then you can imagine to us back then. There was a magic in the air that whole Summer.

  4. Another aspect of the theatrical release was the sound system itself. When the Star Destroyer came overhead, the theater shook, you felt it in your bones.

    I don't see people talking about this but holy shit!

    I saw it the first showing on opening day. It was actually only about half full because everyone expected it to be packed. So, I had a couple of hours to kill before the movie because I had the same expectation.

  5. If you're gonna complain about Anakin being whiny in Ep. 2 you gotta give people the benefit of the doubt about their criticism of Luke in this movie because honestly Anakin's whining is slightly more believable than Luke's, his character development just isn't handled as carefully. Cause let's be honest that power converter line is awful. it's just like the prequels.

  6. You know, soon after "Star Wars" first came out and I saw it for the second time, I thought right then that "This might be the last EPIC movie of the 20th Century", as in right up there with "Gone With the Wind". And for all of today's whiny SJW's who think to have a "strong woman" in film means she must be forced upon us (no pun intended) regardless if she has any truly redeeming qualities or not, I got two words for them: Princess Leia – one of the best badass "good guys" in Star Wars, male OR female!! 🙂

  7. Episode 1: 4/10
    Episode 2: 3/10
    Episode 3: 7/10
    Episode 4: 9/10
    Episode 5: 10/10
    Episode 6: 8/10
    Episode 7: 5/10
    Rogue One: 9/10
    Episode 8: 8/10
    Solo: ?/10

    Fight me

  8. My ranking of the films
    Empire 10/10
    New Hope 10/10
    Force Awakens 10/10
    Last Jedi 9.5/10
    Revenge of the Sith 8/10
    Rouge One 8/10
    Return of the Jedi 7.5/10
    Phantom Menace 5/10
    Attack of the Clones 4/10

  9. Ever since I watched the very first movie since the month
    of July and the year of 1999, it REALLY began to blow my
    mind. My father actually had the movies from the original trilogy
    since November, 2004. But now that I'm turning older, I still enjoy
    watching SW.

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